Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Date:  24  - 28 February 2014

Subject : Drilling a hole on each of the components feet and the process of constructing the components on the board.

Introduction: The purpose of this task is to make a hole by using hand drill to put the components to the PCB board.

  1. To put each of components based on the PCB circuit.
  2. To make a hole for each of components.

Project Description:

1.  After after etching process have been done, it can started with drill a hole to put the components to  the board. Mini drill have been used for this task. It already have a point on the board and I just need to follow the circuit illustration  to do a hole process.

Figure 1: A hole process on the board
2.  There have a lot of component point that need to drill. from figure 2, it is a process of drill a relay part. then it continued to the other component such as resistor, capacitor, IC and else. 

Figure 2: A hole process at a relay part

3.  After the hole process have been done, then it's time to put all component based on circuit diagram in figure 3.

Figure 3: The component location for PIC circuit

4.  From figure 4, it is the completely PIC circuit for this project. All components need in this circuit have been making by follow to the software.

Figure 4: The completely component making

5.  Then, the soldering process to the all components on the board. Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and flowing a filter metal (soldering) into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.
Figure 5: The soldering process had been started

Figure 6: The completely soldering process

Problem Encountered:

There is no problem appear from this task. All process have been run smoothly without any problems obtained. Some components need to solder in a short time to avoid any damaged to the component  that can make this circuit will not function.

Project Outcome:

Many input have been learned from this process. It is need to do with patient to avoid any problems appear for the next task. My research project is on schedule and I should encounter no problems finishing it.  

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