Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Date: 7 - 11 October 2013

Subject : 1) Research about the components used in Smart Grass Cutter technology.
                2) Design a block diagram in terms of input and output of the project. 
                3) Design a flow chart to show the process/sequence of my project.  


The purpose of this task is to do a research about each components that will be used in this project and sketch a block diagram to show the Input, Process and Output for Smart Grass Cutter. Therefore the flow chart is for to know the sequence of the process of this project.

  1. To find the function of each components.
  2. To reflect on the path from the power supply to the motor (Output)
  3. To make an understanding in more detail about the components that can make this project functional.

Project Description:

Nowadays, aims of new technologies are to enhance and make-work easier. The idea to design this project based on the problem encountered by an ordinary cutting grass machine. From my observation, an ordinary Cutting Grass Machine needs to push the machine moving around which mean it is in manual handling. We can see that to moving the big cutting grass machine usually needed much of energy. But nowadays, this machine has develop. It still need the user to monitor and supervise the machine operation from far distance.

Based on figure 1, it is the macro block diagram for this project. It have input, process and output part.

         1. Input = Infrared Sensor

This types of sensor will detect any object in front of grass cutter and robot will turning back. If there is no object, the grass cutter will forward to cut a grass.

        2. Process= PIC Controller

This is the heart of this project. It will control all steps after sensor send a data to the PIC which are the drive motor, cutting motor and light emitter diode (LED).

        3. Output

Then the output will obtained when PIC have detect the step depending on the program. The movement motor where to move the robot forward and reverse. Blade motor will turn for cutting the grass and LED either it will 'ON' when motor detect an object or when motor is move forward. 

Figure 1: Macro block diagram

Figure 2 is the flow chart for this project.

Figure 2: Flow Chart

The operation explanation is:
  1. When system operate, Infra Red sensor will start active. The function is to detect any object in front of their body.
  2. If IR sensor detect an object, robot will turned around. In the same time, orange LED turn on and green LED turn off.
  3. Else if the robot is not detect an object, robot will forward and grass cutter will turned on. In the same time, green LED will turn on and orange LED turn off.

Problem Encountered:

From this research, I have found an idea about the component that I should use in this project. But the problems is what types of  infrared sensor and motor that I have connect to the circuit. Therefore more research in website or going to Jalan Pudu to find the suitable types of components for Smart Grass Cutter. However the project is still on schedule and will proceed as how the project was planned.

Project Outcome:

More outcome has achieved from this research. After this, I have to think about the each component that will be used in this project. One of my idea is I will used DC motor and some mechanical part and also gearing system to make the robot move. My research project is on schedule and I should encounter no problems finishing it.   

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Date: 30 - 4 October 2013

Subject : The research about existing Grass Cutter technology and do a planning of gantt chart for this project. 


The purpose of this task is to do a research about an existing technology for grass cutter product and to find some idea to do this project. Therefore to make my project run smoothly I must planning a gantt chart to show the process about actual planning until report done from week 2 until week 14.

  1. To do a comparison between an existing technology with my new technology product.
  2. To find the idea that can used to make an improvement for existing product.
  3. Thinking an actual planning from week 2 until week 14.

Project Description:

  1. Objective of my project
        The objective of smart grass cutter is to develop a system that can automatically cut the grass by using infra red sensor which is may determine the distance of the object in front of the product. It have a few types of grass cutter in Malaysia.
         Our aim in doing this project is to build a mini grass cutter that automatically cutting grass without using a lot of energy to operate, less observation during the cutting grass process and economize.

    2.   Problem statement   

From my research, it found that an existing technology for grass cutter has used manual handling. So, it is used human energy. The product in Malaysia is still in manual concept. So, I can come out an idea called 'Smart grass cutter' which is the product that can functional without using manual handling.

    3.  Gantt Chart

I must have a planning to do this project. I have 14 weeks to do this planning in terms of the components, the circuit, design and etc. In week 10, we gonna have presentation day. So, i need to complete my research before week 10 and report till week 12. Below is my gantt chart for Smart Grass Cutter project to make the process run smoothly without any problems happened. 

Figure 1: Gantt Chart

Problem Encountered:

During this research, I have found that my idea for this project has been in the other country market such as USA but the good things is there is no automatic grass cutter product in Malaysia market. However the project is still on schedule and will proceed as how the project was planned. Some reference website for the other automatic grass cutter at the other countries:

Project Outcome:

My idea for this product can be improved by add some new technology to make sure some different technology for an existing product. Even there is some automatic grass cutter in other country but I can try to make some improvement technology and created by local. My research project is on schedule and I should encounter no problems finishing it.   

WEEK 2 and WEEK 3

Date: 16 - 27 September 2013

Title Of Activity : Proposed a title of Final Year Project 1 to the project supervisor.

  1. Project supervisor shall set the requirements of the project.
  2. Project supervisor shall guide student in the planning and implementing of the project as well as recommend approaches, techniques and methods appropriate to achieve the projects objectives.

  1. Each student will be assigned to one project supervisor with respect to the specialization area of the project. 
  2. Student may also propose project title by submitting the project registration form with the following information to the project supervisor:
      • Project title
      • Project objective
      • Project synopsis   


I have find my supervisor which is Miss Najiyah Bt Saleh from Electrical Department to guide my project. I have one project tittle called 'Smart Grass Cutter' to be proposed to my supervisor and having a discussion on the objectives, projects requirement and also planning about the progress report for this project to achieve my objectives. She has approve my project title but it has some changes in terms of title guideline from FYP website to 'The Development of Smart Grass Cutter'.


By having my project supervisor from electrical department, it will make my project progress run smoothly by following the planning to achieved the objectives of the project. Meanwhile, this project title with supervisor name will have to registered in Final Year Project website as the group name.  


Date: 12 September 2013

Title Of Activity : (Final Year Project) 1st Briefing

  1. To briefing more detail about FYP Implementation to all FYP students.
  2. To briefing  on Progress Report (Log Book or Blog) and also Proposal Report.


On that briefing, the FYP coordinator which are Madam Khairiyah from Telecommunication Department,Sir Azwan from Medical Department and Madam Nulida from Electrical Department have brief about Final Year Project details in terms of the module code, the assessment for Engineering design, FYP sem 1 and FYP sem 2 students. Therefore, they have brief about FYP tittle and find the project supervisor to guide our progress report and register our project tittle on FYP website.


I have get the input from this briefing in terms of Final Year Project module code and assessment. The most important things is we have to find our project supervisor to guide and discuss together about the project planning within 2 weeks. The next briefing will be on week 6.  


From this briefing it have increase my understanding in terms of step to starting the FYP module for this semester. It will make my progress run smoothly.