Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Date: 12 September 2013

Title Of Activity : (Final Year Project) 1st Briefing

  1. To briefing more detail about FYP Implementation to all FYP students.
  2. To briefing  on Progress Report (Log Book or Blog) and also Proposal Report.


On that briefing, the FYP coordinator which are Madam Khairiyah from Telecommunication Department,Sir Azwan from Medical Department and Madam Nulida from Electrical Department have brief about Final Year Project details in terms of the module code, the assessment for Engineering design, FYP sem 1 and FYP sem 2 students. Therefore, they have brief about FYP tittle and find the project supervisor to guide our progress report and register our project tittle on FYP website.


I have get the input from this briefing in terms of Final Year Project module code and assessment. The most important things is we have to find our project supervisor to guide and discuss together about the project planning within 2 weeks. The next briefing will be on week 6.  


From this briefing it have increase my understanding in terms of step to starting the FYP module for this semester. It will make my progress run smoothly. 

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