Tuesday 1 October 2013

WEEK 2 and WEEK 3

Date: 16 - 27 September 2013

Title Of Activity : Proposed a title of Final Year Project 1 to the project supervisor.

  1. Project supervisor shall set the requirements of the project.
  2. Project supervisor shall guide student in the planning and implementing of the project as well as recommend approaches, techniques and methods appropriate to achieve the projects objectives.

  1. Each student will be assigned to one project supervisor with respect to the specialization area of the project. 
  2. Student may also propose project title by submitting the project registration form with the following information to the project supervisor:
      • Project title
      • Project objective
      • Project synopsis   


I have find my supervisor which is Miss Najiyah Bt Saleh from Electrical Department to guide my project. I have one project tittle called 'Smart Grass Cutter' to be proposed to my supervisor and having a discussion on the objectives, projects requirement and also planning about the progress report for this project to achieve my objectives. She has approve my project title but it has some changes in terms of title guideline from FYP website to 'The Development of Smart Grass Cutter'.


By having my project supervisor from electrical department, it will make my project progress run smoothly by following the planning to achieved the objectives of the project. Meanwhile, this project title with supervisor name will have to registered in Final Year Project website as the group name.  

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