Friday, 20 December 2013

WEEK 12 and 13

Date:  2 - 13 December  2013

Subject : Preparation for report proposal.

Introduction: The purpose of this task is to put all important information into my proposal report such as introduction, objectives, methodology, simulation, components and etc.

  1. To explain in detail about the overall information of the project.
  2. To include the reason and costing in proper method to do this project

Project Description:

This week is to choose the important information to put into the proposal report. Based on figure 1, it is the checklist that have to follow to get the best mark. All information/research need to put based on this checklist.  

Figure 1:List of checklist for proposal report

In addition, there have one project flow chart that need to put into methodology part. Based on Figure 2, it is the sequence overall for this project development. 

Figure 2: Project Flow Chart

Problem Encountered:

It have few problem appear when do this proposal report. All information has amendment from my supervisor and need to change a few part in terms of grammar, list of figure, table and etc. All work progress has been done successfully. However the project is still on schedule and will proceed as how the project was planned.

Project Outcome:

More outcome has been achieved from this research. I can see the flow of my project during this report proposal.  More understanding get when do more research that related to this project. My research project is on schedule and I  encounter no problems finishing it abd submit this report on week 14..  

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